Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 16 & 17: Raise the Roof !

Week 16: Raise the Roof

Day 114
While the snow is beautiful yet more delays for the week

Day 115

January 27th, 2011
The next few days were beautiful and work continued on the roof. As I was looking out the window I was thinking, wow,  that roof is tall but I think there is supposed to be an even taller part than that.  I grabbed my plans and as I was standing in the kitchen looking out the window this is what I saw....

....and there it is! 

Andy and Dexter hold the top rafter as Chris balances on the rafters of the porch roof to recieve the 26 ft. planks from Mr. Larry below.  They've got a system and I'm just glad its not me teetering up there.
View from your head!

By the end of this beautiful day they had the rafters over the foyer with the space for the front dormer framed out. 

Side view with the "burnin' barrel" for scraps and Mr. Larry carrying a beam.

Perched awaiting the next beam

Standing in the foyer looking up at the progress of the ceiling rafters
Rafter view from above.  At this point I am completely at a loss of how they know the exact measurements to make the ends meet at the top.  Glad someone remembers Geometry 101. 

Day 117
Saturday, January 29th, 2011

Such a beautiful day.  I felt bad as we played in the yard most of the morning while they were hard at work.  But it was fun watching the progress! 

 By lunch the roof over the box seat window in the front nursery was completed

I thought this was really cool,  each rafter in the roof line had measurement written on them counting down the span I suppose.

 Then work began on putting up the decking on the west roof.  They put up about 4-5 boards so they could stand on them and then filled the gaps in as they worked down.  Clever.
 Nail gun taking a lunch break

 Pretty geometric shape in the attic to the NW.  I kinda wish we didn't have to put a roof on it but I think it would be for the best.

Another view of attic space over the nursery.  I'm beginning to think we may actually have enough storage in this house.  Of course, ask me again in 20 years. 

 Rough views of the foyer and stairs...have a little vision but I think it will be really pretty.!
A rare view looking down at the stair way.  I love our stairs!

Space for the dormer and window in the foyer
Foyer balcony:  Romeo, oh, Romeo

Sullivan checking out his new bathroom upstairs!
Patrick and Sullivan playing between the walls of the upstairs.  So sweet!

Jasper...whatever your thinking don't do it! 

It still makes me really nervous when Sullivan is at the construction site.  I will be so glad when the doors and windows are put in. 

It was a beautiful weekend and I love seeing progress made.  Now if we can just get that crane in for the beam over the garage and the weather would stay like this we really will be getting somewhere!  We shall see...

Week 17:  
Just when things get rolling they come to a screeching halt

Monday, January 31, 2011
But before all that....
Sullivan and I got to watch the crane arrive early Monday morning finally after a few dry days and the last large beam went up over the garage. 

First the crane stabilizes by putting down it's "feet". 

Then I guess a test beam is lifted to make sure all is set

The beam is harnessed in and the go ahead is given to begin lifting

Up, Up it goes.  Please don't drop it!

With Andy guiding one side into the pre-cut notch, the 38 foot beam is lowered down...

....anchored by our very own Chris "Builder" as Sullivan knows him.

As Mr. Larry gives one last direction the beam reaches its final resting place over the garage.  The remainder of the morning was spent placing the I-joist over the garage and a set of decking on the West facing roof.  

At this point the snow set in and progress came to a screeching halt.  Stay tuned though for I think warmer weather is HOPEFULLY lurking around the day!