Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week 19: Stacking the Deck....or a Stack of Decking

Week 19:  
Stacking the Deck....or a Stack of Decking

Day 135
February 23, 2011

More supplies arrive...this is the wood used for the decking.  

 More decking goes up trying to get the roofers started soon...

Intricate layers of rafters to form a beautiful roofline

Looking out over the back porch from the guest bedroom window

Week 20:  
Spring has sprung and things are blooming around here!!

Day 143
March 3, 2011

The snow delays have given way to rain delays and March is roaring like a lion.  So far the house has gone unscathed in our early spring storms although I hope I never see an inch of standing water in the bathroom and bedroom or basement for that matter ever again!  However the roofers arrived this week and hopefully that will cut down on the amount of rain dripping into the house. 
Landmark Heather Blend Demensional Shingles:  the roofer said they are is favorite shingle color...pretty good coming from a guy that looks at shingles all day.

Roofing tools, taking a break 

More views of the "guts" of the house

Knee board in the attic space for stability

Closing in the attic

Are you starting to get the idea yet?  Just wait it gets better...

Garage and playroom external walls

Sometimes I wish we could spin the house around so more people could enjoy the back of the house.  Gorgeous, huh?

While there are many details yet to be completed the main bones of the house are almost complete.  The roofers are hard at work and hopefully in 1-2 weeks will have our home shingled. The electrician is lined up and hopes to start in the next week or so.   It's coming along!

Week 18: Resume this Program already in Progress

Week 18: We now resume this program already in progress

February 16th, 2011

So after 2 weeks of snow delays we pick back up completing last of the ceiling joists, subflooring and celing rafters over the garage.
Front view over the garage

Rough interior view of future playroom over the garage

 View the the East out the dormer window in the future playroom. This room will not be finished out to begin with.

The hay is gone and it finally looks like a garage instead of a barn

Can't wait to look out the door and see Sullivan and Patrick playing in the yard like this, hopefully with a few less hazards. 

The highest peak is now framed.  Starting the look not so lop-sided

Sweet Sully and his tractor seeking "muddy" dirt to dig

East side view at sunset.  Now the next project is to get a top on that breakfast nook!

Day :  End week 18
February 20th, 2011

So we decided to forgo the open feeling of the breakfast nook and put a weather proof ceiling, aka roof on it...and when we did it was even more AWESOME!

We wanted the feel of a sun room here but wanted it to be an integral part of the living space.  The peak of the cathedral ceiling  is about 15 feet high.
I know it's not quite as impressive in 2-D but once it is finished I hope it will airy and breathable

More Breakfast "nook" views from above

Exterior views of the cathedral ceiling 




West view

East view

SE corner-Garage

Noteworthy views of the roofing rafters:  
Sometimes when I look it seems like a work of art.  I am amazed at the precision it takes to get the corners to come together and actually look like the original plan.  I wonder if when the Builders dream at night they just see measurements dancing in their heads...

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view down the upstairs hall and the "attic" above the 2nd story rooms

View of the front porch roof from the playroom window
Looking front to back in the upstairs "to-be-finished" rooms

Attic corner with decking now come the shingles!
This hall will be closed off to begin until we grow into it