Tuesday, October 5, 2010

 Let the digging commence!  By the first day 2/3 rds of the base has been dug! It looks like a big swimming pool!
 Sullivan actually did most of the work.  He got to ride on the dozer and loved it.  We had to watch the 5 minute video Patrick shot of the back hoe working last night about 10 times!

                                                                                Day 2

                                                     Lunch time shot.  This is the basement!

 This is the basement plus the are on the side that eventually you will be able to enter through the side below the level of the driveway.
 Buddy trying to figure out how to get into the hole
 Sullivan loves this whole process, dirt and tractors...who could ask for more.

End Day 2...can't wait to see what's next.  Wonder when the basement guys are going to show up?!

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