Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 3: What Lies Beneath

Day 16

My what a beautiful October morning to pour a basement!  Ready to go at 7:30 am. 
The forms of the basement-11 feet tall from ground to above the ground. The top of this will start the floor of the first story.
View from the entrance side of the basement looking west.  There will a retaining wall on the left wall at some point. 

Inside the "hole" as it shall forever be known according the Sullivan.  Coming from a long line of pack-rats, I think this might just be enough room to store all of our stuff.

Time to pour the concrete! Scott, the man in charge assessing the scene and making sure all is ready

Scott guiding the concrete into the forms
Liquid gold

And the dance began...One by one the concrete trucks rolled in...It took 5 truck loads (or 104 tons of concrete if your counting).  That should do it...for now. 

A very tall boom which carried the concrete down into the forms
Even Grandaddy got to get in on the action!  His first time out in 6 weeks since being in the hospital.  He has been really looking forward to watching all this.

Sullivan and Patrick seem to be pleased at today's progress.  Can't wait to see the final product of the past week's hard labor...(tomorrow we think!)

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