Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 5: A firm foundation

 Day 28

These guys come ready work.  Today they started digging the foundation footings.  The little stick beeps and tells them how far to dig. 
This is the West wall of the house, this will be the wall of our master bathroom and bedroom.  The importance of a good home is a strong foundation. Here lies the ground work.
They placed the steel frame of the door before pouring the walls of the safe room to make it more sturdy.  I may not be exactly FEMA standards but it will be pretty close.  After the walls dry they are going to also poor the ceiling as well.

Day 29
Today they poured the walls of the retaining wall.  This is the end of the driveway and then it drops off below to the entrance to the basement.
Here is an example of before and after of the footings, rebar then poured concrete.

 I think by the end of the week they should be done with the basement if all goes well.  And then on to the framing!! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Things appear to be moving right along... so happy for you!
