Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 12: Merry Christmas to Us!

Day 78
December 21, 2010

Mr. Siglow, the digger,  returns to extend our drive way up to our new garage. Same guy who dug our "hole". This guy knows dirt.

 The debris and junk thrown into the back porch.  Soon it will be filled with red sand and later poured concrete.
 And the walls go up, this is the view of the living room , wear the ladder is laying is wear the fireplace and TV will be.
 The breakfast "nook" 180 degree vistas
 Our sunrise view to the east from the breakfast nook

 The new drive way leading up to garage
Mr. Larry is quite the master saw man

 The outer walls are all framed up, the small ladder is the easiest way in right now but soon there will be sheathing.

Day 79
My sister and her family came in town for Christmas and we couldn't wait to show them our freshly framed house and actually give them a tour of our soon to be new home!

 Sissy, Avery, Ainsley, and Sullivan checking out the basement.

Patrick, Sullivan, Avery, and Scott in the kitchen
 I like the open air feel of the place but a roof would be nice. Mom and Sissy checking out the pantry. 
 Scott, the girls, and Buddy in the master bathroom.

 Standing in the foyer and dining room
     Sullivan and his Grandaddy playing with the wood scraps.  It doesn't take much to entertain these guys.

While we were giving the tour the first load of red sand arrives to fill the garage (seen below in the left corner) and form the driveway. 
By the end of the day we had about 10 loads of red sand for the garage and 2 porches and then some.  There is still alot of dirt to be hauled in to go around the foundation but today we made a pretty good start.

 Everyone got to watch the bright red sand being dumped. There is just something fascinating about watching construction in progress. Don't you agree?!

Day 80
December 23, 2010

Day before Christmas Eve and everyone is hard at work. The back hoe arrives to spread and flatten the sand in the garage and to scoop the sand into the porches.

 It was a little nerve racking watching the heavy "claw" within inches of the wood framing but luckily this guy knows how to handle it with precision

 They begin putting up the sheathing on the master bath side of the house

By the end of the day we have real walls on the side and back of the house.  Now it is really starting to feel like a real house!

Day 81
Christmas Eve

Checking out the weeks progress
 Patrick and Sullivan pearing out the the living room windows, to the left is the double doors on to the back porch. 
 The back porch has been filled with red sand from the sand pit on Harrison Rd. View of the breakfast nook.
 Jasper watches as Sullivan and Patrick revisit the "hole".

The garage filled with red sand built up about 4ft . 
 Our makeshift temporary stairs up on to the front porch into the foyer.

On Christmas morning as the snow fell Patrick and I looked out our back door and wished a Merry Christmas to each other.  This was our mutal gift to each other this year.  We can't wait to spend next Christmas 2011 in our new house!

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