Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 9: Power and Progress

Day 59
December 2, 2010
The Weakley County Electric company arrive to put up the new electric poles to the new house.  This is the existing pole in the front yard.

 These are the 3 new poles on the east side of the driveway.  The small one is the temporary pole which will be removed when the house is done and buried under the ground from pole #2. 
There is a wire now that goes over the driveway from the existing to the new pole but you really don't notice it.  We have power!

Meanwhile back in the house...
 Our first set of stairs!  Very thrilling! 
 The first I joist beam
View from the top of the stairs from the basement to the first floor.  This will open up into the foyer...very soon!

Day 60 
December 3, 2010

While we were at work the crane arrives to lift the 2200 lb, 48 ft beam spanning the length of the basement east to west.  Patrick was upset he didn't get to see it but Mr Larry said that it was good thing he wasn't there because he himself almost had a heart attack watching the heavy beam be lifted and lowered over the foundation walls.  There was a man on each wall guiding the beam into place. Luckily it went off without a hitch and it is in its resting place. 

 These beams will support the first floor over the basement

I Joists under what will be the downstairs bedrooms and baths.

 View of I joists from below and the beautiful December skies above
 So I'm really trying to stay on top of all of the terms and products that we are using since I've never really built a house before, so I was standing looking down at the sub floor and said, "Al-so try" is that the brand name?  Then I realized it was a crummy commercial "Also try Zip systems".  Just a funny moment, had to be there I guess.
 Chris installing the vertical support collumns in the basement
 More I joists, we opted for the I joists for more stability so the floor would not sag and creak over time.  All of the beams and I joists were crafted specifically for our house by engineers out of a place in Ilinois. 

Day 61
Buddy and Sullivan checking out the "hole" at the end of week 9. 
 Patrick in the basement closet contemplating the where to put the electronic panel
 Last look from above thru the I joist before the sub floor is put in place.

Last stand on the "roof top" balcony,  good times
 The craftsmanship of the stairs from the basement to the first floor

 Buddy hanging out in the basement.  (Side note: On Jan 1, 2011 our beloved dog of 5 years went missing and later tragically found.  He was the best dog and will be greatly missed.  We will always remember his gentle presence in our home.)

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