Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 16: Stairway to Heaven...well to at least the second floor

Week 16

Day 109

Well we've had another snow, which is lovely but it does somewhat impede our progress.  The Farmer's Almanac is proving to be pretty accurate so far predicting a cold wet winter. Nonetheless, a center piece of our home was completed this week...the STAIRS!

18 stairs going 10 ft up with 2 if you fall you have 2 chances to stop rolling before you hit the bottom!

                       Top of the stairs and foyer landing

View from under the stairs, originally this space would be a coat closet but we decided to use it as a stair well to the basement.

Stairway to Heaven
This doorway will be closed off to begin with.  This leads to the unfinished rooms which we can grow into one day.

Snowy Days

 A blanket of snow covered the first floor, hopefully this will not happen once we have a roof but right now it feels like a dream
 Snowy kitchen and living room
 View of our barn from the second story...pretty.


               Open roof breakfast nook 
                from above and within
 I love our views, this is one of my favorite toward Grandaddy's barn from the nursery/library room
 Snow in Sullivan's future big boy room upstairs

Upstairs bedrooms

Completing the Garage ...well a good start at least
Before the wintry mix drove them away on Thursday they were able to build the front of the garage and start on the door side. 

 View from the front, I can barely peer over the windows to see out but because the garage is higher or lower...anyway it will look right in the end

 Inside the garage

View from above into the garage

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